Now goes to rest the belief that the best studies are stationary, taking place at the state university. Considered to be equally valuable are other forms of education.
A few years ago, there was a common opinion that the real student was only the one, who spends an entire day at the university. And it is only allowed by full-time studies. Now it looks much different. The equitable forms of education at a higher level are considered to be part-time studies and also those conducted by private schools. Another considered form of education is e-learning, which is gaining an increasing interest.
Principles of e-learning
E-learning, for those who know nothing about it, is nothing other than learning via the Internet. In addition to language courses or a variety of trainings, it also entered the universities and colleges. But it is not very widespread. From 400 universities, e-learning studies are offered by only 20 of them. It is not many. Soon, however, there may be more, because a draft regulation on e-learning was developed, and now awaits only the signature of the minister of science and higher education. Thanks to it, higher education institutions will be able to educate via Internet in a fuller dimension, practically without any restrictions. Until then, universities need to satisfy one condition complicating everything - remote classes can not exceed 60 percent of all classes.
The advantages of online education
If new regulations are officially adopted, schools will get the green light to teach subjects entirerly online. This means that students will be trained through a computer, at own pace and in time that will suit the best. Flexibility of e-learning study is an important advantage especially for people with disabilities, young mothers, and those who reside permanently outside the country. Without leaving your home, you will be able to participate in the educational process. This does not mean that universities will see only through webcams.
E-learning not only virtually
Draft of law on e-learning assumes situations in which the e-student will have to appear in person at the university. Of course, this will be required at defense of Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis and final exams. Besides practical, workshop, laboratory or field classes can not be taken on a virtual platform.